What is Scrying?
It is the practice of looking into a suitable medium to detect important messages or visions.
The media most commonly used in Scrying are reflective, refractive, translucent, or luminescent surfaces or objects such as crystals, stones of glass, various shapes such as crystal balls, mirrors, reflective black surfaces such as obsidian, water surfaces, fire or smoke but there is no particular limitation on the preferences or prejudices of the scryer; some may stare into pitch dark, clear sky, clouds, shadows, or light patterns against walls, ceilings, or pond beds. Some prefer glowing coals or shimmering mirages; some close their eyes, notionally staring at the insides of their eyelids, and speak of "eyelid scrying". They can be a powerful tool for divination, but if you're a beginner, there are a few things you need to know.
The word "scrying" actually comes from the Old English word descry, which means "to make out dimly" or "to reveal." Therefore, Scrying is about revealing the unseen through our in-born second sight. Second sight is our capacity to see things that can't usually be perceived through our five senses. Scrying is an ancient practice that goes back thousands of years and is found in all cultures worldwide. Techniques for divining the past, present and future are used. This means there are numerous techniques and methods available for use today.
What will appear to you?
The information you receive may be images, symbols, words, scenes or moving pictures. The power of Scrying lies in the scryer's mind's eye, not the tool used itself; the instrument is merely used for focusing your mind and freeing your third eye. Scrying is a powerful psychic tool which can bring hidden knowledge and clairvoyant abilities and act as a portal to other planes of existence.
It would be best if you were relaxed and meditative, focused on the shapes and symbols you see, and trying to interpret their meaning for us. So keeping a note by recording or writing it down as Scrying is also an excellent tool for personal growth and guidance.
Scrying - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrying
.Scrying: How to Practice the Ancient Art of Second Sight ... - LonerWolf. https://lonerwolf.com/scrying/
.Scrying Divination Magic Beginners Need To Know. https://www.thepeculiarbrunette.com/scrying