Haunted Railway
The search of the shadow person
Summer 2025 dates are coming soon!
We have identified locations that need more investigation from a short ghost hunt we did last year in the area. Also, as part of our local Paranormal Team Devon Free Spirits, we investigated the Railway tunnel and caught some evidence of a shadow person on the side of the tunnel.
We also have an image from a local photographer working near Slade reservoir who photographed the same mysterious dark shadow person. Are these two encounters related? Are they the same entity moving between these locations?
Join us for our first public outside ghost-hunting event on the part of the old railway line between Ilfracombe and the Slade reservoir.
As you walk along the path, which was once part of the railway track, you may feel watched and followed on a particular part of the path and start looking back over your shoulder on the way to the railway tunnel.
We have witnessed
EMF activity without any explanation
A loud bark that was close to us (everyone heard it) in the tunnel
Cat Ball activity on the Slade side of the railway tunnel